Welcome to our transformative documentary and multilateral project that combines the power of storytelling, renewable energy and global collaboration.

Empowering Change
Through Stories

Our vision is to create a powerful and empathetic narrative that bridges the emotional experiences of individuals facing the climate crisis across diverse cultures and regions. Through our journey from Austria to Baku, we aim to document and share the heartfelt stories of young people and their communities, highlighting the universal emotions that unite us in our collective struggle against climate change.

Emotions in Change

A transformative documentary and multilateral project

This multimedia documentary aims to capture the feelings and stories of people across Europe regarding the climate crisis. Using emotion cards, participants will choose and discuss the emotions they associate with climate change. These interviews will be documented through photographs and videos, creating a powerful narrative that highlights the shared human experience in the face of environmental challenges.

in Change

This multimedia documentary aims to capture the feelings and stories of people across Europe regarding the climate crisis. Using emotion cards, participants will choose and discuss the emotions they associate with climate change. These interviews will be documented through photographs and videos, creating a powerful narrative that highlights the shared human experience in the face of environmental challenges.

Electric Solar
Cargo Bike

Solar Journeys, Shared Stories

Our journey will be undertaken on an electric cargo bike equipped with solar panels. This sustainable mode of travel aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility. The bike, powered by renewable energy, enables us to traverse Europe efficiently while minimizing our carbon footprint, showcasing the viability of eco-friendly travel solutions.

For Future

promoting collective awareness and action

“Mindfulness for Future” is a part of our project that focuses on helping individuals cope with the psychological impacts of the climate crisis. Through simple mindfulness and meditation exercises, we aim to support people in dealing with their climate-related emotions. We will conduct these sessions both in-person during our journey and via live stream, creating a sense of community and shared understanding.

Emotionen im Wandel
Emotions in a Changing World

By using sustainable transportation and innovative approaches, we strive to inspire action, foster understanding, and build a global community committed to a sustainable and resilient future. Additionally, through our “Mindfulness for Future” initiative, we seek to meditate with participants wherever possible, promoting mental well-being and resilience as we navigate these challenging times together.

on the road

By using sustainable transportation and innovative approaches, we strive to inspire action, foster understanding, and build a global community committed to a sustainable and resilient future. Additionally, through our “Mindfulness for Future” initiative, we seek to meditate with participants wherever possible, promoting mental well-being and resilience as we navigate these challenging times together.

Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to implementing the SDGs in all our policies and encourage EU countries to do the same.

SDG 13: Climate Action: Our project aims directly at raising awareness about the climate crisis and documenting stories that highlight the emotional impacts of climate change on young people.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: By promoting sustainable transportation like the electric cargo bike and collecting stories from various cities and communities, we support the vision of sustainable and livable cities.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Our project promotes collaboration with other organizations to jointly find solutions to the climate crisis and achieve the SDGs.

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy By using solar energy to power the electric cargo bike, we demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of renewable energy. This supports the dissemination and acceptance of clean energy sources and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
SDG 4: Quality Education By documenting and sharing stories and emotional reports, we raise awareness and educate people about the impacts of climate change. Additionally, through mindfulness training and education on sustainable behavior, we support personal development and awareness of the importance of mindfulness and sustainability in everyday life.
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being Our project can highlight how the climate crisis affects the physical and mental health of young people and the need for measures to protect well-being. Mindfulness can significantly contribute to mental and physical health, especially in times of stress and uncertainty due to the climate crisis. Our activities promote the well-being and resilience of participants.
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation The impacts of climate change on water resources are a significant issue, and our documentation can include stories that highlight the challenges and solutions in this area.
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production By emphasizing sustainable practices and using renewable energy, we show ways for people to make their consumption and production more sustainable.
SDG 15: Life on Land The climate crisis has significant impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity. Our project can collect stories that document the changes and challenges in terrestrial habitats.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Our project can contribute to highlighting the importance of just and transparent institutions in combating the climate crisis and how young people can be involved in shaping a sustainable future.

Phase I

Welcome to our transformative documentary and multilateral project that combines the power of storytelling, renewable energy and global collaboration.

Welcome to our transformative documentary and multilateral project that combines the power of storytelling, renewable energy and global collaboration.

Phase II

Welcome to our transformative documentary and multilateral project that combines the power of storytelling, renewable energy and global collaboration.